Doodle of Mr. Rodgers

Inspired by PA's favorite neighbor

1-4-3 or I-Love-You. From the City of Brotherly Love to the birthplace of Fred Rogers, America's most beloved neighbor, Pennsylvania is a place where kindness and gratitude to those who make up our community is part of who we are. That's what makes PA such an incredible place to live.

Fred Rogers regularly used 143 as his special code for "I Love You" - based on the number of letters in each word. From today forward, the 143rd day of the year is #143DayinPA-a day when we encourage our residents to share the acts of kindness and good deeds they do for each other and themselves.

With everything going on in the world, it’s no surprise that we are all feeling a little weary and overwhelmed. This isn’t the time to add more “to dos” to the list. This is the day to take a beat, realize that you are special, and affirm that you are enough. Let’s all do our part and help ourselves and fellow Pennsylvanians feel the love. Happy #143DayInPA!

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#143DayinPA Kindness Tracker

Starting on Tuesday, May 23rd, we'll see just how far a little kindness can spread. Every time you do something nice for yourself or someone else, tell us about it using #143DayinPA. Just imagine what we could accomplish if all 12.8 million PA residents participated.

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Kindness Generator

When we’re kind to ourselves, we give ourselves the capacity to be kind to others. Looking for new ways to show some kindness to yourself and the people in your community? Try our act of kindness generator. Enough small acts could bring the entire state together.

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Four Illustrated People Smiling Three Illustrated People Smiling
Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered, as a matter of course, just one kind word to another person. Fred Rogers
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